Defining Job Processors

pulse.define(name, processor, options)

Before you can use a job, you must define its processing behavior.

The define method is used to configure how specific types of jobs should be handled by the Pulse instance. It allows you to specify a job's processing function and its operational parameters, such as concurrency limits, lock behaviors, and execution priority.

Example Usage

const pulse = new Pulse();

// Define a job type for sending emails
pulse.define('sendEmail', async (job, done) => {
  try {
    await sendEmail(;
    // Mark the job as completed
    done(); // or done(undefined, 'Success');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed to send email:', error);
}, {
  concurrency: 5,
  lockLimit: 2,
  priority: 'high',
  lockLifetime: 300000, // 5 minutes
  shouldSaveResult: true,
  attempts: 5, // Retry up to 5 times
  backoff: {
    type: 'exponential',
    delay: 2000, // Start with a 2-second delay between retries


  • name (string): The unique name for the job type. This name is used to refer to and manage jobs of this type throughout their lifecycle.

  • processor (Processor<T>): The function that contains the logic to be executed when a job of this type is processed. The function receives a Job object and an optional done callback that should be called when the job processing completes.

    • job (Job<T>): The job instance being processed. This object contains all data and methods related to the specific job, allowing the processor to access job data and interact with the job's lifecycle.

    • done ((error?: Error, result?: unknown) => void): A callback function that should be called once the job processing is completed or if an error occurs. Calling done with an Error object indicates that the job has failed, whereas calling it with no parameters or a result indicates successful completion.

  • options (DefineOptions - optional): Configuration options for the job, which include:

    • concurrency (number): Maximum number of instances of the job that can run simultaneously. Defaults to Pulse's _defaultConcurrency.

    • lockLimit (number): Maximum number of instances of the job that can be locked at once. Defaults to Pulse's _defaultLockLimit.

    • lockLifetime (number): Duration in milliseconds that the job remains locked (i.e., unavailable for re-processing) unless explicitly unlocked sooner. Defaults to Pulse's _defaultLockLifetime.

    • priority (lowest|low|normal|high|highest|number): The priority level of the job. Jobs with higher priority are processed first. Defaults to normal.

    • shouldSaveResult (boolean): Indicates whether the result of the job processing should be saved. Defaults to false.

    • attempts (number - optional): The number of retry attempts allowed if the job fails. Defaults to 0 (no retries).

    • backoff ({ type: 'exponential' | 'fixed'; delay: number } - optional): Specifies the retry backoff strategy:

      • type (string - optional): The backoff strategy, either exponential or fixed. Defaults to exponential.

      • delay (number - optional): The delay between retry attempts in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000.

        • When using the exponential backoff type, the delay increases exponentially with each retry using the formula: delay×2^(attempts−1)


  • void: This method does not return a value.

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