

The cancel method is designed to cancel and permanently remove jobs from the MongoDB database that match a specified query. This functionality is critical for managing job lifecycles, particularly when certain jobs are no longer needed or conditions change requiring their termination.

Example Usage

const pulse = new Pulse();

// Example of canceling all jobs with a specific priority
const query = { priority: { $lt: 0 } }; // Cancels all jobs with a negative priority

  .then(deletedCount => console.log(`${deletedCount} low priority jobs cancelled`))
  .catch(error => console.error('Failed to cancel jobs:', error));


  • query (Filter<Document>): A MongoDB query that specifies which jobs to cancel and delete. This query should conform to MongoDB's query standards and can include various criteria to match specific jobs.


  • Promise<number | undefined>: Returns a promise that resolves with the number of jobs deleted from the database. If no jobs are found that match the query, the promise may resolve to undefined or 0.

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