
job.unique(filter, options?)

The unique method configures a job to be unique according to a specified MongoDB query filter. This method is crucial for avoiding duplicate job entries in scenarios where job uniqueness is determined by specific data attributes. This does NOT save the job in the database. you must explicitly declare save()if you want to save it

Example Usage

const job = pulse.create('test', {});
job.unique({ 'data.type': 'email', 'data.userId': '12345' });
await job.save(); // If you want to save it


  • filter (Filter<TSchema>): A MongoDB filter object that defines the criteria for job uniqueness. This filter is used to check existing jobs in the database to ensure that no other job with the same attributes exists.

  • options ({ insertOnly: boolean } - optional): Additional options to control the uniqueness check. The insertOnly option, if set to true, ensures that the uniqueness check is only applied when the job is first created, not on subsequent updates.


  • Job: Returns the job instance with the uniqueness criteria applied. This allows for method chaining.

Last updated