

The disable method updates job records in the MongoDB database to set a disabled flag to true, effectively halting their execution by the job processor. This method allows for selective disabling of jobs without removing them from the database, providing a way to pause job execution as needed.

Example Usage

const pulse = new Pulse();

// Example of disabling all jobs that are scheduled to run on weekends
const weekendQuery = { runDay: { $in: ['Saturday', 'Sunday'] } };

  .then(modifiedCount => console.log(`${modifiedCount} jobs scheduled for weekends were disabled`))
  .catch(error => console.error('Failed to disable jobs:', error));


  • query (Filter<unknown> - optional): A MongoDB filter query to select the jobs to be disabled. If no query is provided, it defaults to an empty object {}, which could potentially disable all jobs if not used cautiously.


  • Promise<number>: A promise that resolves with the number of job records that were modified to a disabled state. This count provides feedback on the impact of the call.

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