
The MongoDB connection can be configured through the PulseConfig object, which supports either direct client reuse or new connection parameters.

Example Usage

const pulseConfig = {
  processEvery: '1 minute',
  maxConcurrency: 10,
  db: {
    address: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/myApp',
    collection: 'jobQueue'

const pulse = new Pulse(pulseConfig, (error, collection) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Connection error:', error);
  } else {
    console.log('Connected to MongoDB collection:', collection.collectionName);

new Pulse(config?, cb?)


  • config

    • name (string - optional): Specifies the name of the job queue. This can be used for identifying and managing different queues within the same application.

    • processEvery (string - optional): Defines how often the job processor should poll for new jobs to process. The string should be a human-readable interval, such as '5 minutes', '1 hour'. Defaults to '5 seconds' if not specified.

    • maxConcurrency (number - optional): The maximum number of jobs that can be processed concurrently. Helps in controlling resource utilization. Defaults to '20' if not specified.

    • defaultConcurrency (number - optional): The default concurrency for jobs that do not specify their own concurrency setting. Defaults to '5' if not specified.

    • lockLimit (number - optional): Maximum number of jobs that can be locked at the same time. This prevents a single worker from locking too many jobs. Defaults to '0' if not specified.

    • defaultLockLimit (number - optional): Default limit for the number of jobs each worker can lock simultaneously. Defaults to '0' if not specified.

    • defaultLockLifetime (number - optional): Duration in milliseconds for how long a job can be locked before it is automatically unlocked. Useful for handling job crashes or stalls. Defaults to 600000 ms (10 minutes). Defaults to '10 minutes' if not specified.

    • sort (any - optional): Determines the order in which jobs are selected and locked from the database. For example, { nextRunAt: 1, priority: -1 } sorts by nextRunAt ascending and priority descending.

    • mongo (MongoDb - optional): An existing MongoDB client that can be reused instead of creating a new connection.

    • db (object - optional): Configuration for the MongoDB connection if not using an existing MongoDb client. Includes:

      • address (string): The MongoDB connection URI.

      • collection (string - optional): Specifies the MongoDB collection to use. Defaults to pulseJobs.

      • options (MongoClientOptions - optional): MongoDB client options.

    • disableAutoIndex (boolean - optional): If set to true, automatic indexing of job fields by the Pulse system is disabled. Useful for performance tuning in production environments. Defaults to false if not specified.

    • resumeOnRestart(boolean - optional) - This config is used to ensure that jobs left unfinished due to an unexpected system shutdown or restart are properly resumed once the system is back online. Defaults to true if not specified.

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